A further 11 ISVA and (CH)ISVA services have today joined LimeCulture’s Independent Accreditation Programme for ISVA Services. These services are provided by Yellow Door, Victims First Northumbria, East Kent Rape Crisis, First Light, SAIL and Mountain Healthcare.
Since their launch in October 2018, the Quality Standards for ISVA Services have been adopted by ISVA Services across the country as the benchmark of what high-quality ISVA Services should provide to victims/survivors of sexual violence, regardless of whether they choose to report to the police or go through the criminal justice process.
More than 40 individual ISVA and (CH)ISVA services have been awarded the Quality Mark, meaning a significant proportion of ISVA services across the UK have already demonstrated that they have improved consistency, practice and the overall quality of their ISVA and (CH)ISVA services.
The Quality Standards and the Implementation Guidance for Commissioners and Service Providers are available online, free of charge and can be accessed by clicking here
There are 20 Quality Standards across four domains; Leadership & Governance, Access & Engagement, Service Delivery and Outcomes & Evaluation. They set out the expectations of the ISVA/(CH)ISVA service’s leadership, staff and also the client experience. The Quality Standards create a framework and benchmark that can be used to develop and improve ISVA/CHISVA service provision.
Sitting alongside the Quality Standards is the Independent Accreditation Programme. The Programme will award a Quality Mark to ISVA or (CH)ISVA services that demonstrate they meet the Quality Standards through a robust and independent accreditation process of documentary evidence review, interviews and site visits.
The maximum amount of time given for a service to reach accreditation is 12 months however services may achieve accreditation at various stages within the 12 months, depending on a number of factors including, for example, how far the service has to go to meet the Quality Standards, and/or how quickly the service can provide evidence to the independent accreditation team to show that they meet the Quality Standards. Our Independent Accreditation Team work with services to identify the appropriate timescales, based on initial self-assessment, service capacity and functions and location of the services being accredited.
For further information or an informal discussion about joining the Independent Accreditation Programme please contact us on 0203 6330018 or email accreditation@limeculture.co.uk and we will be happy to discuss your requirements
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