Call for ISVAs – LimeCulture collaborates with King’s College London to audit ISVA provision

We are pleased to announce that LimeCulture and King’s College London will be joining forces to collaborate on a project looking specifically at the role of ISVAs. The first part of this project will include an audit of current ISVA provision in the UK and will take place over the next few months.

Sadly, there has been very limited research into the role of the ISVA,  which we believe is a pivotal role in the support of victims of sexual violence. We hope that the audit being conducted alongside Kings’ College London will go towards making the case for further support and investment into the ISVA workforce.

We hope to be able to include ALL ISVAs in the audit, which will seek to find out information about the services they provide and where they are located. Although we are in contact with many ISVAs, unfortunately there is no comprehensive register of ISVAs in the UK, meaning that it will be difficult to ensure that all ISVAs have been given the option of being included in the audit. Therefore, we are asking ISVAs to contact us via email with their contact details so that we can ensure they are included in the audit.

ISVAs are asked to email as soon as possible to provide their contact details and ensure their inclusion in the audit. Please use the title ISVA Audit in the subject box.

If you have any queries about the audit, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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