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thoughts on “conference”

  1. Hi, i just wanted to give you some feedback about ISVAs supporting clients while they are giving evidence via livelink. I am currently employed as an ISVA within a female prison. Quite recently a woman I was supporting felt unable to give her evidence in Court. In an attempt to keep my client on board in what was a particularly violent sexual assault case, the judge allowed me to support her in this way. We were able to use the existing Video-link from the prison. I am pleased to say that this resulted in a 16 year sentence for the perpetrator.

    • Hi Rebecca

      Its great to hear of your success! I have no doubt that all those involved in the criminal justice process will eventually appreciate the real benefit of having ISVAs supporting their clients in proceedings. At LimeCulture we are hoping to deliver a workshop on this subject at our forthcoming knowledge and network event in April 2013.

  2. Hi Stef,

    I have applied for a place on your Older peoples training, but if there are any additional spaces, we would like one for me colleague Bea, although I have booked in for the March training in London. SHe may have availability on some of the other dates if anything becomes available.

    Many thanks


    • Hi Sally

      I have put your details on our expressions of interest list for additional places should they become available.

      Kind regards

      Bernie Ryan
      Training and Development Director