LimeCulture launch Strategic Safeguarding in Sport Workshop for Senior Leaders

Hearing the accounts of victims, survivors and those with lived experience of abuse in sport is agonising.  Sport should be a safe place for children, young people and adults at risk to feel part of something good, be in a team, achieve goals and make friends.  We have heard numerous accounts from victims, we have read the headlines and watched the documentaries.

At LimeCulture, we know that abuse in sport not only has a devastating, traumatic and long lasting impact on the victims and their families, but affects their team mates, staff and volunteers.  Long term, participation numbers may be affected and the sport will be impacted by a loss of trust and damage to reputation.

What we need to do now is make meaningful changes and introduce a culture where safeguarding is a priority in sport to limit the opportunities for abuse and start to learn lessons.  Safeguarding needs to be about prevention as well as responding to concerns when they arise but all too often we are poorly prepared when abuse is uncovered. Case Reviews have shown that senior leaders in sporting organisations have enabled abuse to occur through inaction and failures to promote a culture of safeguarding.

Recognising the need to support sports to prioritise safeguarding, LimeCulture has responded to demand from the sport sector by developing a workshop specifically aimed at senior leaders within sports. The aim of the Strategic Safeguarding in Sport Workshop is to support the implementation of safeguarding at the heart of the organisation and to embed participants rights not be to abused.

The workshop is designed to complement the Lead Safeguarding Officer Development Programme – aimed at those whose role it is to manage and oversee safeguarding within sporting organisations.

The Strategic Safeguarding in Sport Workshop is delivered over half a day and will take place on Wednesday  24th November 2021 (9.30am – 12.30pm). This half day workshop will be delivered online using the Zoom platform.  The cost for the workshop is £250 +VAT per person.

To book a place on the next Workshop please use our online booking system or contact Annabel Timmins, Safeguarding in Sport Lead via email ( Maximum number apply so an early booking is recommended.

Please Note- LimeCulture is able to deliver this Workshop to individual organisations (in-house) for senior leadership teams  –  minimum numbers apply.



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