Quality Standards for ISVA Services

The Quality Standards for ISVA Services set out the standards for ISVA services across four domains: Leadership and Governance, Access and Engagement, Service Delivery, and Outcomes and Evaluation. They set out expectations of the ISVA service’s leadership and staff, and articulate what the client should experience as a result.

Every victim and survivor of sexual violence should be able to access a high-quality, well managed ISVA service, wherever they are in the country, regardless of their age, gender, ethnicity, sexuality or beliefs; and whether or not they have chosen to engage with the criminal justice process. LimeCulture believes the Quality Standards for ISVA Services take us significantly closer to making this a reality.

The Quality Standards for ISVA Services were initially launched by LimeCulture  in October 2018.

Three years after the initial publication of the Quality Standards for ISVA Services in 2018, LimeCulture has worked with ISVA providers and commissioners to enhance the Quality Standards to explicitly capture the key elements of delivering high-quality support for children and young people, recognising the way in which ISVA services for children and young people have developed and matured in recent years.

The ISVA Quality Standards (2022)  offer a framework that can be used to develop and improve ISVA service provision, and a benchmark for individual services to monitor their provision against.

The Quality Standards and implementation guidance are available online, free of charge.

Benefits of the Quality Standards

  • Victims and survivors of sexual violence will have confidence in the quality of the ISVA Service they are accessing
  • Service Providers will be able to evidence the quality of their ISVA Service provision against the Quality Standards
  • Commissioners will be able to commission against these Quality Standards, which assure the provision of quality support and enable effective performance

Download the Quality Standards for ISVA Services – Information Sheet

Download the Quality Standards for ISVA Services-Implementation Guidance (2022) 

Download the Frequently Asked Questions for the Quality Standards for ISVA Services 

Accredited ISVA Services

Accreditation due for renewal
Adult ISVA and CYPSVA Service November 2025
Adult ISVA and CHISVA Service April 2025
Adult ISVA and CHISVA Service April 2025
Adult ISVA & CHISVA Services August 2024
Adult ISVA & CHISVA Services August 2024
Adult ISVA & CHISVA Services April 2025
Adult ISVA & CHISVA Services March 2026
Adult ISVA & CHISVA Services October 2025
Adult ISVA and CHISVA Service April 2025
CHISVA Service May 2026
Adult ISVA & CHISVA Service November 2025
Adult ISVA & Children ISVA Service April 2025
Adult ISVA Service August 2024
Adult ISVA & CHISVA Service November 2025
https://www.rasamerseyside.org Adult ISVA Service March 2026
Adult ISVA & CHISVA Service April 2025
Adult ISVA & CHISVA Service August 2024
Adult ISVA & CHISVA Service  November 2025
Safelink Adult ISVA & CHISVA Service  March 2026
Adult ISVA Service June 2026
Adult ISVA Services March 2026
Adult ISVA Service July 2026
Adult ISVA & CHISVA Services August 2024
Adult ISVA & CHISVA Services April 2025
Adult ISVA Service December 2024
Adult ISVA & CHISVA Services May 2026
Cumbria Adult ISVA Service June 2026
Lancashire Adult ISVA Service June 2024
Lincolnshire CHISVA Service October 2025
West Yorkshire Adult ISVA Service May 2026
Adult ISVA & CHISVA Service June 2026