Lead Safeguarding Officer in Sport Development Programme

LimeCulture CIC supported by Sport England are excited to launch the Lead Safeguarding Officer in Sport Development Programme. Driven by the need to professionalise the response to safeguarding in sport, this comprehensive innovative training programme has been written in consultation with sporting organisations, the Sport England Advisory Panel, leading sector experts and academics.

The programme will support Lead Officers to develop a strategic and holistic response to safeguarding, whilst embedding the values and principles of safeguarding into the  culture, environment and operations within their respective sports.

It is recognised we all have our part to play in making our sports safer for children and adults, to ensure future participation and achievement. The programme will equip Lead Officers with the required skills and expertise to provide a consistent, robust and proactive response to safeguarding in sport. The programme will focus on safeguarding in the context of both prevention and response.

We have seen how vital sport is to children and adults to maintain physical and mental good health, but we have also seen the extensive harm done to children, adults, families, and sporting organisations when abuse in sport occurs. The programme will consider inclusivity and the human rights agenda, considering lessons learnt and how to implement positive change throughout an organisation. Move your organisational approach forward towards safer outcomes in sport.

Aim of the programme

The aim of the Lead Safeguarding Officer Development Programme is to provide in depth knowledge and understanding of the Lead Safeguarding Officer role. The course will equip professionals with the required skills and expertise to provide a consistent, robust and proactive response to safeguarding in sport. The programme will focus on safeguarding in the context of both prevention and response, looking across sporting culture, organisation and environment.

How long will the programme last?

This comprehensive course consists of six modules delivered over a period of six months. Each module will take place on 2 consecutive days of teaching with a written assessment at the end of each module. Delegates must complete all modules and pass each assessment in order to be independently accredited.


The Training Programme will be independently accredited by NCFE, delivered by LimeCulture CIC. This course has been endorsed by CIMSPA and will count as the full 10 hours CPD for CIMSPA members. 

The Open University is currently considering offering a post graduate certificate, diploma and masters degree in Safeguarding in Sport and consideration is being given to the Safeguarding Lead Officer Development Programme being transferable as credits towards these further qualifications.


The first cohort will begin in March 2021 and will take place via an online platform due to the current concerns and uncertainty regarding Covid-19 .

Dates for the programme are:

Module 1: Wednesday & Thursday 24 & 25 March 2021

Module 2: Wednesday & Thursday 28 & 29 April 2021

Module 3: Wednesday & Thursday 19 & 20 May 2021

Module 4: Wednesday & Thursday 8 & 9 June 2021

Module 5: Wednesday & Thursday 23 & 24 June 2021

Module 6: Wednesday & Thursday 13 & 14 July 2021

The second cohort will start in September 2021. Dates to be confirmed.

Key areas of learning

The Lead Safeguarding Officer Development Programme will cover the following key areas:

  • Principles of safeguarding, the context of the Lead Safeguarding Officer role, external and internal structures in sport and how these impact safeguarding within organisations.
  • Developing a strategic response framework, identifying organisational values and how these align with safeguarding priorities, creating a safer culture in sport, understanding how safeguarding fits within a governance structure and recognising workforce training requirements.
  • Considering a risk framework, understanding risk assessment and how to manage risk.  Understanding how risk impacts on the individual, the organisation and wider stakeholders.
  • The impact of abuse on individuals, developing strategies to enable a listening culture within sport, breaking down the barriers to disclosure, learning lessons from survivors and victims and considering cultural competency and inclusion.
  • End to end case management including the referral process, interim protective action, risk assessment and risk management, knowledge of perpetrator abuse and supporting those who have made disclosures.
  • Understanding the investigation process, overseeing and directing an investigation, considering evidential thresholds and role of the Lead Safeguarding Officer in multi-agency working.


Applicants must:-

  • be the Lead Safeguarding Officer or hold a senior role in safeguarding within their sporting organisation.
  • have previously completed introductory safeguarding training delivered by CPSU/ACT or equivalent.


Places cost £2,500 plus VAT. This includes all 12 teaching days, and 6 assessments.  Learners will receive an accredited qualification

How to apply

Expressions of interest should be emailed to info@limeculture.co.uk and should contain the following information:-

  • Name of the applicant
  • Job role of the applicant
  • Organisation
  • Confirmation that the applicant meets the eligibility criteria

The demand for places on the first cohort are expected to be high. In order to manage the demand and ensure a broad range of organisations are able to access the first cohort, organisations will initially be offered one place per organisation, however further places will be available on subsequent cohorts.