Do you provide support services to males who have experienced sexual violence?

If the answer is yes, we want to hear from you!

We are holding a Consultation Workshop on Wednesday 19 July (10am-12noon) in London and we are inviting providers of support services for male victims/survivors of sexual violence to join us to discuss the development of quality standards for services supporting males. To book a place at the free workshop please click here.

LimeCulture is working in partnership with Male Survivors Partnership to develop quality standards for services for male survivors of sexual abuse, rape and sexual exploitation.

Funded by a grant from the Lloyds Bank Foundation for England & Wales, a two-year project, which started in May 2017, will see the development of new quality standards which will be rolled out nationally across the UK.

The project involves

  •  A comprehensive review of existing service standards consulting with experts in the field, service leads and commissioners while listening to the views of males who have accessed support about what works.
  •  Design and trial of standards resulting in an agreed framework for services supporting males that will be rolled out across the UK in early 2018.
  • During 2018,  the project will trial an accreditation process to sit alongside the quality standards, supporting up to 10 organisations to meet the quality standards and reach accreditation by 2019.

For males who have experienced sexual violence these new standards and the accreditation process that goes with them, will give a layer of reassurance about the quality of the services they are accessing at a time when they are feeling most vulnerable.

To support the standards development we are consulting with services currently supporting male victims/survivors in order to:

  • Gather information which will enable us to develop standards which are fit for purpose and address the quality expectations of services supporting male survivors,
  • Seek provider views on the scope of the standards and what the quality standards should include,
  • Provide details on opportunity for future engagement including survey of male victims/survivors who have accessed services and quality standards accreditation and monitoring trial.

For more information, please contact Dedicated Project ManagerTom Leavesley (


LimeLight Awards: Open for Nominations

LimeCulture CIC is delighted to be hosting the 3rd Knowledge & Network Event for Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) on Thursday 28 September 2017. This major event for ISVA Services will be taking place in Manchester.

It is becoming widely recognised that ISVAs play an integral role in providing support and responding to those who have been raped or sexually assaulted. ISVAs have much to share about how to provide the best possible services regardless of whether they are located in the Third Sector, Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs) or Statutory Agencies. ISVAs are part of an important workforce that is increasing in size and recognition. This major event will bring together professionals to share knowledge and provide a unique opportunity to network with other members of the ISVA workforce.

At last year’s National ISVA Conference, chaired by Sir Keir Starmer QC MP, LimeCulture introduced the LimeLight Awards to provide professional recognition for the amazing work that is undertaken by ISVAs throughout the UK. LimeCulture is keen to ensure that the outstanding contributions and achievements of these professionals who have demonstrated excellence, dedication and commitment to supporting victims of sexual violence through their work as ISVAs continue to be properly recognised through the LimeLight Awards.

There are 4 LimeLight Awards, divided into three categories:

  • Awards for an Individual ISVA (2 separate awards)
  • Award for an ISVA Team
  • Award for an ISVA Manager

Anyone can nominate an individual ISVA, an ISVA Manager or an ISVA Team or Service by simply completing a nomination form- you can also nominate yourself or your own team. Nominations open on 7 June and close on 31 August 2017.

LimeLight Awards will be presented at a special ceremony at Knowledge & Network: An Event for ISVAs on Thursday 28 September 2017. More information about how to nominate can be found by clicking here

For more information about last year’s LimeLight Awards and the inspirational winners of each category please click here



Knowledge & Network will include a topical range of speakers, workshops and designated time to network and meet peers. The focus of the event will be aimed at improving operational responses and ISVA practices. The event should be viewed as continued professional development.

To book your place please click here