LimeCulture Programme Manages New Safeguarding Case Management Programme launched by Sport England and Sport Resolutions

LimeCulture is delighted that the Safeguarding Case Management Programme (SCMP), a partnership programme with Sport England and Sport Resolutions, has been formally launched. The SCMP will provide all participating National Governing Bodies (NGBs) with expert support to assist the management of safeguarding in sport.

The support and services are free of charge to participating NGBs who will have unlimited access to case management, safeguarding and legal support including initial advice, investigations and the organisation of discipline hearings and appeals.


Background to the Development of the SCMP

Following a number of high-profile cases of abuse in sport, many of which received large scale media coverage, LimeCulture met with the Director of Children and Young People at Sport England in August 2018 to discuss new approaches to managing cases of abuse in sport. Sport England – whose aim is to increase participation in sports and physical activity  – recognised that a process was required to better manage cases of abuse in sport.

LimeCulture was subsequently asked by Sport England to develop and test a new Case Management Process, supported by a bespoke Case Management System for safeguarding cases in sport. Sport Resolutions was tasked with delivering the Process utilising the services of their National Safeguarding Panel. A year-long pilot was then carried out with nine NGBs participating.

On review, the pilot was considered to have made sport safer by allowing for a “consistent, robust and standardised response to case management” including timely professional advice and support by experienced professionals. Contributing to the review, participating staff and Lead Safeguarding Officers reported that their “confidence and knowledge had increased” resulting in feeling “better equipped” in the management of their cases.

Following the pilot and review, Sport England agreed to roll out the Programme to allow further sports top join.

Charlotte Bond, SCMP Programme Manager at LimeCulture said

“It’s been a huge privilege to develop the case management process and then test it along side Sport Resolutions and the nine NGBs who were involved in the pilot. Together, we have worked hard to make sure the process, and systems that support the process, work effectively for a range of sports in the management of safeguarding cases.  We are delighted that the pilot has been extended and many more NGB’s have the opportunity to join the programme and access support and advice in relation to their safeguarding cases.


Progress to date

There are now 39 NGBs signed up to the Programme – 18 are already live and 29 are due to receive their induction training in September.

NGBs are able to access the Programme for all cases, both adults in vulnerable situations and children, with the option to request the variety of support available as and when they feel it’s required.

As part of this work, a common data set has been developed and implemented across the participating sports. This will allow us to identify the prevalence, key themes and emerging trends on abuse in sport, which will help us to better support the preventative response to safeguarding.

LimeCulture are responsible for the overall Programme Management of the SCMP and our role is to be available to provide support and advice. We offer day to day support with the programme including advice and guidance on Case Management processes and principles.

Charlotte Bond, said

“We’ll be holding Quarterly Development Meetings with all the participating NGBs to collectively look at best practice, emerging themes and continuous development. At LimeCulture we’re are really excited to be part of this important and innovative initiative, and are committed to supporting the ongoing professional response to case management in sport”.


For more information about the Safeguarding Case Management Programme please contact Charlotte Bond,

SCMP Programme Partners






LimeCulture to deliver Section 28 Training to ISVAs across England & Wales

The Government has committed to the national roll out of a scheme enabling pre-recorded evidence across all crown courts in England and Wales. Known as section 28, the scheme allows victims to have their cross-examination pre-recorded earlier in the process and outside the courtroom. As such, Ministry of Justice and HM Courts &Tribunal Services (HMCTS) are keen to ensure that Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) are able to access consistent training on section 28 that will assist them to effectively support their clients with information about pre-recorded cross examinations.

Earlier this year, LimeCulture was funded by MoJ & HMCTs to develop and deliver section 28 training for Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) Over the last few months, we have been working hard to develop a bespoke training course, with content that is tailored specifically to ISVAs on section 28. We would like to thanks the 60+ ISVAs who have contributed to the development of the training by attending Focus Groups to share with us their knowledge and experiences of supporting clients with section 28 pre-recorded cross examinations. 

We are now in a position to make this training available to ISVAs across England and Wales. However, we know that ISVAs are often extremely busy, and Managers of ISVA Services will not want all their ISVAs to attend the same training session, so we have ensured there are lots of date options available between June 2022 and the end of the year. We are currently opening bookings in 2-month blocks, so once the June & July sessions are full,  further dates will be opened. 

Bookings can be made via our online booking system that can be found on our website –

Please click on the side toolbar titled ’Section 28 Training for ISVAs’ where the booking forms for each of the training sessions can be located. 


Please note  this training has been developed and designed specifically for ISVAs. As such, it is only open to those who are currently employed by an ISVA Service to work as an ISVA (supporting either adults and/or children and young people who have experienced sexual violence and abuse).  

This training is is not intended for other professionals such as Crisis Workers, Support Workers, Counsellors etc or anybody who is not currently working as an ISVA (ie, previous ISVAs or those wanting to become an ISVA in future are not eligible for this training).

For more information about this training for ISVAs,
please contact us by email