The Safety and Support (SAS) Assessment for Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs) was launched by LimeCulture back in 2017. Since then, the SAS is now widely used by the majority of ISVA services to identify, monitor and manage the individual risk and needs of clients. It is the foundation for the Support Plans that are put in place by ISVAs to ensure that individual clients are supported effectively.
Back in 2017, LimeCulture held 12 training workshops, reaching over 100 ISVAs, on the safe use of the SAS Assessment which was developed for ISVAs by LimeCulture with funding from the Home Office. SAS Assessment training is now also included on the LimeCulture ISVA Development Programme for new ISVAs, reaching 75-100 more new ISVAs each year. However, LimeCulture has received numerous requests from ISVA service managers and experienced ISVAs to provide further training sessions on the use of the SAS Assessment to continue to support ISVAs to effectively manage their clients’ support.
In response to these requests, LimeCulture designed a series of dial-in workshops to improve confidence and competence in using the SAS Assessment. This series of dial-in workshops will means that ISVAs are not required to travel to attend training, they can dial-in to have direct access to the LimeCulture Trainers as part of small group of ISVAs, which will allow for meaningful discussion and the opportunity to ask questions about the practical use of the SAS Assessment and how it can be best used to support ISVA service provision. The cost of the training is £56 + VAT per person.
If you are interested in attending one of the dial-in workshops in this series, please express an interest by emailing where you will be given further details of the training and the available dates in this series of dial-in training.
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