LimeCulture confirms 10 Wave 1 Sites

LimeCulture CIC and the Male Survivors Partnership are delighted to announce the 10 Wave 1 Sites who have been selected for inclusion in the Independent Accreditation, Monitoring and Support Programme as part of the Quality Standards for Services Supporting Male Victims/Survivors of Sexual Violence that were recently launched in the House of Lords by Baroness Newlove, the Victims’ Commissioner for England and Wales.

The Wave 1 Sites are:

  1. The Oak Centre SARC (Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust)
  2. Mankind
  3. The Saturn Centre SARC (Mountain Healthcare)
  4. Survivors UK
  5. Survivors in Transition
  6. Safeline
  7. Notts SVS Services
  8. West Yorkshire ISVA Service (Victim Support)
  9. Stepping Stones, North Wales
  10. Survivors Manchester

As part of the Wave 1 Site application process, we received three times as many applications as places available on the first Wave. This demonstrates a clear appetite from services wishing to meet the Quality Standards and evidence this through an independent accreditation process.

The applications we received were from a range of services supporting male victims/survivors of sexual violence, something LimeCulture and the MSP have been keen to encourage since the Quality Standards having been developed to be applicable to all services supporting males. Applications came from a range of services including: male-only services and services supporting both males and females, voluntary sector and statutory sector services, counselling and therapeutic services, Helpline services, ISVA services and SARC services, as well as sexual violence support services located with the university setting.  The response has been fantastic.

Crucially, the purpose of Wave 1 is to trial and test the Independent Accreditation, Monitoring and Support programme, which has been designed to provide an independent ‘KiteMark’ to services who meet the Quality Standards. While it is vital that this independent process is able to rigorously assesses and accurately monitor services against the Quality Standards, it is also important that for those services who do not yet meet the Quality Standards or are working towards achieving it, this process can identify where services need further work to meet the quality standards and provide targeted support to assist their development.

Stephanie Reardon, Joint CEO for LimeCulture said: “Wave 1 is absolutely key for LimeCulture to trial and test our own assessment processes, as well as the support functions required to support services to meet the Quality Standards. On that basis the 10 Wave 1 Sites that have been selected because they offer us an excellent spread of services to work with across England and Wales. The 10 Wave 1 Sites are also meeting the Quality Standards to varying degrees, which is useful as it allows us to test how best to support services to reach the benchmark and fully comply with the Quality Standards”.


Lloyds Bank Fund England and Wales, who funded the development of the Qaulity Standards, has funded the 10 Wave 1 Sites to be included in the Independent Accreditation, Monitoring and Support programme. Given the high number of applications we received, we know that a large number of services supporting male victims/surviors offering demonstrably high quality services have been disappointed not to be include in the programme in this first wave. LimeCulture and MSP are now in discussions about expanding the Independent Accreditation, Monitoring and Support programme in further waves. Further information about the programme and applications for wave 2 sites will be made in due course.

The Quality Standards for Services Supporting Male Victims/Survivors of Sexual Violence are available to download free of charge by clicking here


For further information about the Quality Standards and the Independent Accreditation, Monitoring and Support Programme, please contact

Tom Leavesley, Project Manager, LimeCulture CIC




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