LimeCulture’s Plan to Manage Impact of Corona Virus (COVID-19)

Over the weekend, the Directors of LimeCulture put in place a plan for LimeCulture to manage the impact of Corona virus (COVID-19). Our plan will be continuously monitored by our Senior Management Team and any necessary changes made as required, and communicated as necessary.

At present, the Directors of LimeCulture have agreed that we will continue to operate a ‘business as usual’ model. This means that all of our training, events, reviews, site visits and meetings will go ahead as scheduled and planned. We will be working with our partners, including training venues, to ensure that hand-washing facilities and general standards of cleanliness are acceptable and in line with the Government’s advice.

In the event of changing Government advice, or should LimeCulture’s ability to deliver on our commitments become impossible, we will update our plan accordingly and communicate this with clients, customers and partners as quickly as possible in order to reduce the impact on others as best we can.

For more information about Corona Virus pleased visit the Government’s website for official advice. 

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