Wave 10 of the Male Quality Standards Accreditation is open for application

LimeCulture is delighted to announce the Independent Accreditation Programme is now accepting applications for the 10th wave of services seeking accreditation against the Male Survivors Partnership’s Quality Standards for Services Supporting Male Victims/Survivors of Sexual Violence







The application window will close on Thursday 10th November. 

The Quality Standards for Services Supporting Male Victims and Survivors of Sexual Violence were developed in collaboration with commissioners, service providers and male victims/survivors who shared their personal experiences of accessing support and told us what they want and need from services.

Since it was launched in April 2018, the Independent Accreditation Programme has been opened to 9 waves of services supporting male victims/survivors of sexual violence from across England and Wales. To date, 45 services have successfully achieved the Quality Mark, and 6 more services are working towards it.

Services enrolled in the Independent Accreditation Programme benefit from:

  • A workshop explaining the independent accreditation process and the opportunity to network with other services on the programme.
  • Tailored feedback, guidance and support from a dedicated Accreditation Manager
  • The opportunity to improve the quality of service provision through effective performance monitoring and benchmarking against the Quality Standards
  • Through achieving the Quality Mark, being able to demonstrate to clients and commissioners that their service delivers high-quality support that meets the needs of male victims/survivors.

Sam Whyte, Director of Sexual Violence Services at LimeCulture, said:

“We’re continually inspired by the dedication and commitment of the organisations working towards the Quality Standards to provide the best possible support to their male clients and are excited to work with a whole new cohort of services as we today open applications to LimeCulture’s Independent Accreditation Programme.

Achieving the Quality Mark gives services confidence that they are doing everything they can to encourage male victims and survivors of sexual violence to seek support, and in turn, gives male clients confidence that their needs will be met through services designed for them.”

To apply

You can find more information about the Accreditation programme, costs, and our Terms and Conditions here

To join the programme, e-mail us at accreditation@limeculture.co.uk. Places on the programme will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please note, services enrolling will need to be available for an online, half-day Accreditation Workshop on Thursday 1st December 2022.

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