Embedding Safeguarding into Strategy * Workshop for Senior Leaders in Sport * Sport England Funded Places Available


Recent conferences on changing culture within sport, ‘National Plan for Sport, Health and Wellbeing’ published by the House of Lords (Dec 2021) and feedback from Safeguarding Officers, have all identified the critical role that senior leaders play in influencing the development of a safeguarding culture within sport.

Unfortunately, we have seen that despite having policies and processes in place, perpetrators of abuse can find opportunities to prevail.  Key to putting up barriers to abuse, is the culture of an organisation, and this is led from the top.  Safeguarding must be a priority throughout every level and function of each sport, and this will ensure that children and adults are more likely to be able to enjoy and achieve.

Working in collaboration with Sport England, LimeCulture has developed a half day workshop for CEO’s, Senior Leaders and Board Members to support their knowledge and understanding of integrating safeguarding at a strategic level across sport. Designed to complement the Lead Safeguarding Officer Development Programme this workshop will equip Leaders with the knowledge and skills to ensure safeguarding underpins the services and programs delivered across their sport through:

  • Highlighting the key overarching legislative duties for safeguarding in sport, and the importance;
  • Exploring how safeguarding sits within a sporting organisation’s Mission and Values, and why;
  • Considering the prevalence of abuse in sport from recent research;
  • Describing the purpose of a strategic plan and the requirement for safeguarding to be a key factor;
  • Recognising the importance of budgeting for a safeguarding provision.

Sport England will provide up to 2 funded places for each National Governing Body’s in England who receive funding from Sport England for senior leaders to attend the Workshop taking place on 16th February 2022, 9.30am -12.30. Please note- Maximum numbers apply for this Workshop & places will be allocated on a first come first served basis.

For further information about booking places on this Workshop please email Annabel.timmins@limeculture.co.uk

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