Quality Standards for ISVA Services – Independent Accreditation Programme Launch

In October 2018 at the National ISVA Conference in Birmingham, LimeCulture CIC launched the Quality Standards for Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (ISVA) Services.

The development of these new Quality Standards included consultation with a wide range of ISVA services, commissioners and individuals who have accessed ISVA services.

LimeCulture CIC launched the Quality Standards for Independent Sexual Violence Adviser (ISVA) Services at the National ISVA Conference in Birmingham on 17 October 2018.

They are made up of 20 individual standards across four domains; Leadership & Governance, Access & Engagement, Service Delivery and Outcomes & Evaluation.

The Quality Standards create a framework and benchmark that can be used to develop and improve ISVA service provision. They set out the expectations for the organisational leadership and staff and the client experience.

The Quality Standards and the implementation guidance for commissioners and service providers are available online https://limeculture.co.uk/accreditation free of charge and include information about the background and process of their development.

The main purpose of these Quality Standards is to improve consistency, practice and the overall quality of ISVA services across the UK. They create a framework and can be used as a benchmark to drive up standards and improve ISVA service provision.

During the development and consultation phases, ISVA service providers and commissioners reported that ensuring a robust process to independently determine whether ISVA Services are meeting the Quality Standards should be prioritised. To this end, LimeCulture is launching an Independent Accreditation Programme for ISVA services wishing to adopt and implement these Quality Standards. Services assessed as meeting the Quality Standards will achieve a Quality Mark.

Since launching the standards we have received expressions of interest for the independent accreditation programme from commissioners and providers across the United Kingdom.

In order to manage the demand, we will be allowing ISVA Services to join the Independent Accreditation Programme at scheduled intakes throughout 2019. The intakes are scheduled every two months throughout the year, and places will be allocated on the next available intake.

The first accreditation workshop will take place in mid-February 2019 (location to be confirmed).

Details on the accreditation process including timescale, costs and the application form (which includes a self-assessment) are now available from our website https://limeculture.co.uk/accreditation

Applications should be submitted before the 5pm on Friday 11 January 2019 and we will notify services as soon as possible which intake they can join.  In order to proceed we will require payment information (purchase order confirmation or equivalent).

For further information or an informal discussion please contact the Independent Accreditation Team on 0203 6330018 or email accreditation@limeculture.co.uk and we will be happy to discuss your requirements.

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