Applications now open for 10 new services to join the Independent Accreditation Programme for the Quality Standards for Services Supporting Male Victims / Survivors of Sexual Violence

Following funding from the Home Office, the Male Survivors Partnership in conjunction with LimeCulture CIC, has announced that 10 new services will be able to participate in the Independent Accreditation Programme for the Quality Standards for Services Supporting Male Victims/Survivors of Sexual Violence in 2019 free of charge! Since their launch in January 2018, the Quality Standards for Services Supporting Male Victims/Survivors of Sexual Violence have been downloaded hundreds of times, and we already have over thirty services are working towards accreditation.  That means many services are already working to improve consistency, practice and the overall quality of services supporting male victims/survivors.

The Quality Standards and the Implementation Guidance for Commissioners and Service Providers are available online, free of charge: There are 24 Quality Standards across four domains; Leadership & Governance, Access & Engagement, Service Delivery and Outcomes & Evaluation. They set out the expectations of the organisation’s leadership and staff and also the client experience.  The Quality Standards create a framework and benchmark that can be used to develop and improve service provision for male victims/survivors, in particular recognising their gender-based needs.

Sitting alongside the Quality Standards is the Independent Accreditation Programme, delivered by LimeCulture CIC.   The programme will award a Quality Mark to services that demonstrate they meet the Quality Standards through a robust and independent accreditation process of documentary evidence review, interviews and site visits.

Ordinarily, the cost of joining the Independent Accreditation Programme is £3,500 + VAT which covers a service, which is based at a single site.  However the Home Office funding has enabled us to offer 10 services the opportunity to join the Independent Accreditation Programme free of charge!

If you would like to join, please ensure you submit your application and self-assessment before 5pm on Friday 25th January 2019 and we will notify services as soon as possible if they have been successful. Please note, as the Home Office funding allows for 10 new services, submission of an application does not guarantee a place on this intake. 

The application form including self-assessment are available from our website here.

For further information or an informal discussion please contact the Independent Accreditation Team on 0203 6330018 or email and we will be happy to discuss your requirements.


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