Christmas is just around the corner, and we’re approaching the end of another busy and successful year! LimeCulture would like to take this opportunity to thank our invaluable partners, clients, colleagues, and friends for supporting us through 2023, which has been another remarkable year for LimeCulture.
Once again, we have expanded our offering of training and consultancy services; moving into new sectors and working with new clients, as well as maintaining our footprint within our existing sectors, and continuing to work alongside our loyal and valued customers and partners.
We have been privileged to be involved in a wide range of work again this year. It would be impossible to cover all our work in this blog, but some of our highlights from 2023 are:
- Working in partnership with 45 of sport’s National Governing Bodies (NGBs), Sport England and Sport Resolutions to transform the way safeguarding cases are managed through the National Safeguarding Case Management Programme (SCMP) ,
- Increasing the number of independent and state schools that have adopted our ‘Whole School Approach to Sexual Misconduct – Prevention and Response Model for Schools and Colleges’
- Increasing the number of ISVA Services who have received LimeCultur’s Quality Mark for achieving the Quality Standards for ISVA Services,
- Expanding our work with the Premier League to deliver safeguarding and healthy relationships training to all their clubs’ first teams & staff and academy teams,
- Continuing to support universities to respond to cases of sexual misconduct through expanding the range of training and consultancy services we offer. This has involved championing and supporting the Sexual Violence Liaison Officer (SVLO) workforce, including by hosting the National Conference for SVLOs in November, launching guidance for Higher Education Institutions on how to successfully embed SVLO support, and delivering our accredited SVLO Development Programme to 150 new SVLOs.
- Continuing to champion and support the workforce of Independent Sexual Violence Advisers (ISVAs), by hosting the National Conference for ISVAs in May, delivering our accredited ISVA Development Programme to more than 150 new ISVAs, and establishing a Professional Network for ISVA Service Managers.
- Developing and successfully delivering a series of specialist training programmes for Cheshire’s Safer Streets Programme, which included supporting their primary and secondary schools to prevent and respond to cases of sexual misconduct, delivering healthy relationships training to college students and first responder training to community professionals.
- Continuing to successfully deliver a range of commissioned consultancy projects to improve the response to victims/survivors of sexual violence. This has included working closely with commissioners and providers of sexual violence services to undertake independent reviews and conducting research with a range of police forces to improve the way they investigate rape complaints.
- Expanding our training and consultancy offer across the safeguarding in sport sector, which included expanding the number of Lead Safeguarding Officers (LSOs) who have undertaken our accredited Lead Safeguarding Officer Development Programme, delivering strategic safeguarding training to more Executive Boards across sport and carrying out further Independent Safeguarding Reviews for National Governing Bodies to impartially assess their safeguarding provision and make recommendations for improvement.
- Working with British Gymnastics and their stakeholders to undertake a Safer Sport Review. This includes the development of a set of Safer Sport Principles which will provide NGBs with guidance to help them develop safer cultures across their sport and refine their safeguarding policy, guidance and procedures.
- Continuing our Independent Accreditation Programme for the Male Survivor Partnership‘s Quality Standards for Services Supporting Male Victims/Survivors of Sexual Violence.
Behind LimeCulture’s success, are the exceptional individuals who make up our team. Their unwavering dedication, unparalleled expertise and talent are the driving force behind our ability to consistently deliver and exceed our clients’ expectations. This year, we have appointed some fantastic individuals to join our incredible team to help us deliver on our 2022 – 2025 strategy, and together, we have made significant strides to further strengthen our ways of working, expand our skill set and enhance our knowledge in specialist areas. We’re ending the year in a strong position, much clearer, more efficient, and exceptionally effective.
During 2023 we have:
- reviewed and strengthened our governance arrangements in the successful appointment of four impressive Non-Executive Directors to help support and shape our future direction of travel,
- commissioned Manifestive, an external creative engagement agency to work with us to support our development and growth by strengthening our vision, mission, values and organisational culture,
- invested time and energy into staff engagement, training, and development to enhance our individual and collective skills, knowledge, and confidence, to ensure that our workforce continues to be our biggest asset,
- established a new Health and Wellbeing Steering Group to develop and implement our first Health and Wellbeing Strategy for our workforce.
As we move into 2024, we are very excited for the New Year and all that it promises to bring.
From all of us at LimeCulture, we wish each of you a peaceful festive break.
We look forward to seeing you in 2024.